Professional & Career Development

Online Professional Development Resources

The resources below can help you advance your graduate career and aid you in your professional and personal development. 



General Writing Resources

  • Writing Studio, 深夜看片 - Graduate students can  or review their online guides
  • - Writing resources and instructional materials, including general writing mechanics, english as a second language, citation formats, and more.
  • - Emphasizes the importance of understanding plagiarism by identifying several forms of it. Discusses the concerns of AI-generated content and the need to verify policies. Plagiarism checkers, citation managers, and writing tools as resources to prevent plagiarism and improve writing skills.
  • Strunk and White,  - Popular English grammar and style guide.
  • - Discusses structuring and crafting literature reviews as well as basic genre conventions and strategies for organizing and drafting one.

Poster Design and Presentations

  • -
  • - Colin Purrington
  • - University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill
  • - North Carolina State University
  • Better Scientific Poster and - Mike Morrison, Industrial-organizational psychologist at Michigan State University

Oral Presentations

  • - COMPASS Science Communication, Inc. (2017)
  • -
  • , Texas A&M University Writing Center - In this video, Dr. Tasha Dubriwny provides tips for developing and delivering creative and effective conference presentations.
  • , Matt Abrahams TEDxPaloAlto Talk - Practical solutions to handle communication anxiety and tools to empower us to share our ideas and stories.
  • , Mark Powell - Learn how to hook your audience with these tips for opening and closing presentations. 

 Scientific Communication, Writing & Publication

  • - Online course that teaches scientists effective writing strategies, complete with examples and worksheets.
  • ,  - Dr. Susan McConnell gives helpful advice on preparing and presenting an effective scientific talk, provides basics of PowerPoint, and suggests ways to structure your talk.
  • ,  - A FREE online course on peer review, containing 4 modules with bite-size videos and interactive activities. It offers a comprehensive overview of peer review, including: the role of a peer reviewer, how to prepare a peer review report, the ethics of peer review, and innovations in different types of peer review. Free to access when you .