Institutional Research Effectiveness & Assessment

Research Misconduct

Committed to the highest standards of honesty and integrity in research and scholarly activity, ÉîÒ¹¿´Æ¬ strives to foster an environment in which research flourishes and results of research are reported accurately and without bias, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge. The university and its stakeholders have a right to expect that individuals engaged in research exercises honesty and integrity in the proposing of research and in the collecting, analyzing, and reporting of research results; behavior and activities that interfere with an honest search for the truth undermine the integrity of the university’s brand and cause reputational and financial harm. Although all members of the USF community have an obligation to report observed, suspected, or apparent Research Misconduct as defined in , oversight and investigation into allegations of research misconduct fall within IREA’s purview as the Director of IREA serves as the institution’s Research Integrity Officer.  

Role of Institutional Research Effectiveness and Assessment (IREA) 

Investigate allegations of research misconduct—which is defined as fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Ensure that behavior or activity that does not meet the definition of Research Misconduct but constitutes unacceptable or questionable research practices, is addressed in a timely manner and that the corrective action that is implemented is sufficient to prevent recurrence. Work in conjunction with Research Integrity & Compliance, the Office of Compliance & Ethics, Internal Audit, the Office of the General Counsel, the Title IX Office, and colleges and administrative units to prevent occurrences of research misconduct through training and awareness of best practices.