Data Administration & State Reporting

Executive Review

An Executive Review is a process in which institutional data is reviewed and approved prior to submission to the Florida Board of Governors (BOG).  State University Database System (SUDS), Performance-Based Funding (PBF) and Preeminence data submissions, as well as other select recurring reports, require a formal Executive Review. All data resubmissions require a secondary Executive Review. Please visit the Resubmission Policy page for additional information.  The Executive Review serves as an important check and balance in the institutional data submission process. University Audit performs annual audits of the university's processes and internal controls which ensure the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of data submissions to the BOG.


An Executive Leadership Team in addition to the Institutional Data Administrator, and a Data Steward Group (Data Stewards and Sub-Certifiers) participate in the Executive Review process. Please visit the Roles & Responsibilities page for additional information. Executive Review meetings will not be conducted without the Primary Executive Reviewer, Institutional Data Administrator and Sub-Certifier or their appointed designees. Questions regarding the Executive Leadership Team should be submitted to the Office of Data Administration & State Reporting at


Executive Review Report

Data Steward Groups are expected to present an executive level report and a comparison of the submission data that resides within their area of responsibility. The Executive Report should include a summary of the key data elements and any issues preparing the submission. Additionally, Data Steward Groups should present a data comparison of at least three to five previous reporting periods and address any exceptions/trends between reporting periods. Sub-Certifiers certify that proper procedures were followed in compiling data for their submission and upon review presents an accurate and true representation of facts for the period reported.

The Executive Reviewers and Data Administrator evaluate the validity of the submission data, trends between reporting periods, and the submission's alignment with the vision, values, and goals expressed in the 深夜看片 Strategic Plan

Executive Reviewers may request additional information to satisfy an inquiry before approving a data submission to the BOG. Upon approval, Executive Reviewers certify that the submission data resides within their area of responsibility and has been discussed and upon review, presents an accurate and true representation of facts for the period reported. 

Executive Reports are due by COB on the USF Due Date. Reports should be submitted to the Office of Data Administration & State Reporting at SUDS submissions should be finalized and error free by COB on the USF Due Date. Executive Report Forms can be found on the Forms Page. Please visit the Forms page for additional information.


Primary Executive Reviewer

A Primary Executive Reviewer is an Executive-Level employee of the University who has been given the responsibility to review and approve an institutional data submission prior to the official submission to the BOG. Executive Reviewers are appointed by either the Provost, the Senior Vice President for Business & Financial Strategy, or the University President based on their area of responsibility in relationship to the data source.