About the Center


"The conversation about ISIS with Dr. Milani was perhaps the best speaking event I have participated in. Milani pushed very knowledgeable people to debate hard choices that required deep historical background. The audience of some 400 stayed seated for two hours! That does not happen a lot. What fun!"
– Joshua Landis, Director of the Center for Middle East Studies at the University of Oklahoma


"The Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies has already made a significant impact by being out front in establishing USF as a university with a prominent global culture. Since its inception in 2013, the center has conducted cutting-edge research on global and national security issues. The center has executed programs to rave reviews while, more importantly, developing potential solutions to critical international problems."
– Retired Rear Admiral Jon Bayless, Tampa Tribune, Nov. 28, "Views" section


"The Center has done a fabulous job bridging the gap between academia and policy and bringing people to USF for in depth discussions that push understanding of these complex issues forward. I was so excited to be a part of this program, truly one of the best out there!"
– Ambassador Christopher Hill


"The Conversations on Global Security presented by the CSDS have established a standard of academic and current knowledge by scholars and practitioners that would challenge any research university in America to match. The conversations conducted by Dr. Mohsen Milani create an environment for in-depth sharing of information and insight to enlighten even the well-informed listener. Having attended a half dozen "conversations," all future gatherings are a priority on my schedule."
– Peter L. French, Ph.D. in International Relations, Yale and Carnegie Corporation Consultant on African Affairs


"The Center for Strategic & Diplomatic Studies is dedicated to engaging faculty, staff, students, and the outside community so they can learn more about global affairs. I am grateful to Dr. Milani, and his leadership in wanting to give the students the opportunity to meet diverse, global leaders. I am proud to have Student Government, and my administration work together with the Center to promote student success."
– Jean Cocco, Student Government President, USF


"The Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies offers thought provoking, astounding lectures pertinent to the current global issues our nation is facing. The experts who have been invited, offer an insight that is unparalleled and offer significant points of view."
– Cesar Hernandez, Tampa City Council, Legislative Aide District 7


"Attending these conversations is an excellent opportunity for me to stay informed with all the important world news I do not hear on a daily basis."
– Jackie Benitez, ÉîÒ¹¿´Æ¬ Student


"The Center for Strategic and Diplomatic Studies is unique at USF—and would be at most universities around the nation. The Center under the leadership of Dr. Milani is on the cutting edge of topics that involve the past, present, and future of the United States in a violent and changing world. No one has done more to open the eyes of the Tampa Bay community to the complexity and difficulties faced by those who live in a troubled Middle East, and explaining the accessory problems that come with American engagement in the region."
– John Belohlavek, Professor, USF