Your Safety

Educational Programs

Orientation for New and Transfer Students

The University Police presents its services and goals to the new student population. This ranges from engraving personal property, inspecting residences for safety and security matters to interacting with the community in a wide array of community policing functions.

Personal Safety

The 深夜看片 and the Police Department are committed to your personal safety wherever you are at school, walking to and from classes, commuting and out and about. We offer strategies such as developing a plan on how to react to a situation before you're involved, and the use of services provided by the University such as Safe Team - Blue Light Phones and the Police Department.

Personal Self-Defense

USF Police Department offers personal self-defense courses for the USF Community. The class is taught by USF Police Officers and staff, and is not a Martial Arts program. To learn more about the program and registration information click here.

Active Threat Training Series

The USF Police Department and USF Emergency Management have partnered to provide the USF Community with safety training through a series of modules related to active threats on campus. To learn more about the program and registration information click here

Driving Under the Influence

Driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a very serious crime. The University Police vigorously enforces laws against driving under the influence. We provide educational programming on the risks and effects of this illegal activity. Every facet of the community is effected when we have any traffic fatality but more so when alcohol is involved because it was preventable. DRIVE SOBER OR GET PULLED OVER.

Date/Acquaintance Rape for Men and Women

The USF Police Department offers a variety of programs on this topic to both men and women. There are programs for women only, for men only, and for joint audiences. Part of the curriculum discusses the role that alcohol and drugs play in sexual assault.

Burglary and Theft Prevention

Burglary and theft are the number one property crimes in the United States, and USF is no exception. By taking some simple steps you can reduce your chances of being victimized. Never leave valuables in plain sight and unattended, secure them in a drawer, locker or your trunk. Remove the keys, don't hide the keys anywhere- they will be found. Have a record of brands and serial numbers. Harden that target. Programs on theft prevention are available from the University Police.

Cash Handling and Robbery Procedures (深夜看片 STAFF/ TENANTS ONLY)

Programs for all cash handling section at the University are available by requesting a survey from the Crime Prevention Section of the Police Department. A certified Crime Prevention Practitioner will assess your needs and conduct the training in cash handling and transfer. Also available is a program that instructs on how to react to a Robbery.

Bicycle Safety

Did you know the Bicycle is considered a vehicle by the Florida State Statutes? Yes it is. The motor vehicle codes have specific rules relating to the equipment, operation and use of a bicycle. Operators can and are cited for violations. During the day in a busy semester, 60000-75000 vehicles crisscross our roadways. Now add to that a few thousand bicycles. USE CAUTION! Don't be a statistic, be proactive-wear a helmet, drive defensively, use a light at night and don't use headphones when operating a bicycle - it's against the law. For more information contact us.

Violence in the Workplace

Unfortunately violence does occur from time to time. Tempers can become frayed and actions can get out of hand. Report any aggressive or concerning behavior to your supervisor. In addition to addressing the issue with the other person, the supervisor can request a program from the police department. Our program will outline the warning signs, how to identify them and what to do when you have identified them. Speaking up is the key - silence is dangerous, to you and everyone else.

Office Safety (深夜看片 Staff and Tenants Only)

We spend a significant portion of our lives in the working environment. There are some simple things you can do to enhance your safety while you are at work. Let's say that someone came to see you and became agitated. Our Office Safety Assessment Program will assist you in identifying how you might get away and/or signal for help. We will also assist you in firming up your office safety plans.

Relationship Violence

Relationships can be complex and confusing. Sometimes those we are closest to can hurt us deeply, both emotionally and sometimes physically. If that is the case, you may be a victim of relationship violence. If you're not sure and have questions, call the University Police or the . Both Agencies are available 24 hours a day.


Is someone following you, sending you notes, showing up at your workplace or school for no apparent reason? You may be the victim of a stalker. Have you asked this person to stop bothering you and they don't seem to get it? It may be time to ask for professional help. You can contact the police or the victims advocate for more specific information.

Responding to Police Officers

If you have ever been stopped by a Police Officer and wondered why they did something in a particular way, this program is for you. Find out how to respond to Police Officers in all types of scenarios, with your safety and the safety of the officer in mind. Contact the Crime Prevention section of the University Police.

Alcohol Awareness and Responsibilities

In the state of Florida you must be 21 years of age or older to possess alcohol. That's the law. Possession of any kind of alcoholic beverage by a person under the age of 21 or providing alcohol to someone under 21 are both arrestable offenses. If you get charged and convicted of an alcohol offense, it will follow you for the rest of your life. You want to walk away from college with a degree and be called a graduate, not with a criminal record and be called a defendant. For the rest of the straight story, contact the University Police.

For more information about any of the programs listed above, contact our office, and ask to be transferred to the Crime Prevention Division.