ࡱ> _ ($bjbjjj 4,b,b! nnn8T\P.j. PPPPPPP$RrU3Pnc"3PeHPYYYj8n PY PYYHV!N%=^K,O^P0PK$VVX!NVn9NY3P3PYPV B :  Instructions for the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) Exception Form Please complete form for each sponsored project subject to the cost accounting standards where approval is requested to charge items directly to the project that are normally charged as facilities and administrative costs. Please check the appropriate boxes in the sections relevant to the requested approval for CAS exceptions. Please attach the budget justification where the CAS exceptions are described to the sponsor. If the budget justification is not available, please provide a separate justification describing how the projects specific circumstances support the CAS exception. Please submit the completed and signed form to your Sponsored Research Administrator in Sponsored Research with the Grant Budget Release. The request will be reviewed as part of the award establishment process. NOTE: Please consult  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "se2.1.200_1407" 2 CFR 200.407,  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "se2.1.200_1419" 419 and  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "sg2.1.200_1419.sg16" 420-475 for expenditures that are allowable and unallowable on Federal awards and refer to the  HYPERLINK "/business-finance/purchasing/documents/expenditure-guide.pdf" State Expenditure Guide. ҹƬ Cost Accounting Standards (CAS) Exception Form FAST Project ID: Principal Investigator: Project Title: Sponsor:Flow-through Federal Agency (if applicable):Submission Type: New CAS submission Amendment to previous CAS submissionAll costs to be charged directly to a federal account must be allowable (see  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "se2.1.200_1407" 2 CFR 200.407,  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "se2.1.200_1419" 419 and  HYPERLINK "https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?node=2:" \l "sg2.1.200_1419.sg16" 420-475 for expenditures that are allowable and unallowable on Federal awards and refer to the  HYPERLINK "/business-finance/purchasing/documents/expenditure-guide.pdf" State Expenditure Guide) and must meet all of the following criteria: ReasonableBenefit the projectSpecifically identified with the projectCan be allocated easily and accurately Section I. AWARD CATEGORIES EXEMPT FROM CAS REQUIREMENTS AT THE PROJECT LEVEL With appropriate supporting documentation on file, Sponsored Research at the time of award may grant exceptions on projects that meet the requirements of this section. Such approvals will be noted on the Research Award Notice (RAN). If you believe your award meets one of the special category exceptions, check the appropriate box below. SR ApprovalAwards that prohibit assessments of any indirect costs. Expenditures are still required to be reasonable, necessary and allocable to the work being funded.YNAwards that have substantial programmatic limitations on the recovery of F&A (e.g., training grants).YNFirm-fixed price contracts and subcontracts awarded without a requirement for submissions of any cost data to the agency.YN Section II. DIRECT CHARGE ADMINISTRATIVE/CLERICAL SALARIES Provide detailed justification describing why the administrative/clerical salary CAS exception is required and attach justification from proposal explaining the unlike circumstance, and any additional documentation to support the CAS exception request: Administrative/Clerical SalariesSR ApprovalProject is large and complex, and requires extensive amounts of administrative/clerical support that is significantly greater than the routine level of such services provided by academic units.YNProject primarily delivers training, educational, health and/or public services, and requires extensive amounts of admin/clerical support that is significantly greater than the routine level of such services provided by academic units.YNProject requires extensive coordination of individuals and institutions that are geographically diverse.YNProject requires extensive data accumulation and entry, surveying, cataloging and reporting.YNProject requires making substantial travel and meeting arrangements for large numbers of program participants.YNProjects principal focus is the preparation and production of manuals and large reports excluding routine progress and technical reports.YNProject is geographically inaccessible to normal departmental administrative services, e.g., seagoing research vessels and other research field sites that are remote from the campus.YNOther; include explanation.YN Section III. DIRECT CHARGE GENERAL PURPOSE EQUIPMENT Provide detailed justification describing why general purpose equipment CAS exception is required and attach justification from proposal explaining the unlike circumstance, and any additional documentation to support the CAS exception request: General Purpose EquipmentSR ApprovalEquipment is required to accomplish projects distinctive scientific, technical and/or programmatic requirements.YNEquipment will be used exclusively for project activities and objectives; no equipment will be used for University general administrative purposes.YNThe general purpose equipment was disclosed in proposal.YNThe general purpose equipment was disclosed to agency in separate correspondence that is attached here.YNThe general purpose equipment has been approved by sponsor.YNOther; include explanation.YN Section IV. DIRECT CHARGE GENERAL PURPOSE ITEMS (NON-OCO) Provide detailed justification describing why the general purpose item(s) CAS exception is required and attach justification from proposal explaining the unlike circumstance, and any additional documentation to support the CAS exception request: General Purpose ItemsSR ApprovalLocal telephone, including connection charges *YNOffice/Instructional supplies YNMemberships YNSubscriptions YNPostageYNGeneral purpose softwareYNGeneral purpose items are required to meet projects goals and objectivesYNGeneral purpose items are required at amounts significantly greater than the routine amounts of such supplies provided by academic units.YNGeneral purpose items are to be used exclusively for project activities and objectives.YNOther; include explanation.YN Under USF policy the asterisked costs in Section IV are allowable as direct costs for federal projects awarded at the off-campus indirect rate. These costs will not require prior approval from the funding agency or other internal written documentation to incur as direct costs. Check box if you believe the project meets this exception. The items indicated above are true for the authorized budget to be released in the attached paperwork, to the best of my knowledge. 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