Sponsored Research

Research CCHIP #004


Mandatory Training for Personnel Effort Reporting Tool


Uniform Guidance (2 CFR §200), Cost Principles for Educational Institutions, establishes the requirement and criteria for acceptable methods for payroll distribution.

ÉîÒ¹¿´Æ¬ employs After-the-fact Activity Records as an acceptable method for documenting the distribution of charges for personal services. This Payroll Distribution method of apportioning salaries and wages is supported by activity reports that reflect the distribution of activity expended by employees.

PERT (Personnel Effort Reporting Tool) is USF’s official method for reasonably reflecting the activities for which employees are compensated, which encompass both sponsored projects and all other activities on an integrated basis.

The activity reports produced from PERT reflect an after-the-fact reporting of the percentage distribution of activity, which is completed on a semester basis.


Effort – The proportion of time spent on any particular activity expressed as a percentage distribution of total activities.

GEMS – Global Employment Management System is USF’s official Enterprise Business Application for personnel and payroll activities.

PERT – Personnel Effort Reporting Tool is USF’s official method for reasonably reflecting the activities for which employees are compensated.


All USF personnel involved in the conduct of sponsored projects that are federally funded or that provide cost sharing to a sponsored project are required to complete mandatory PERT training.

Prior to certifying, employees must complete mandatory PERT Certifier training, which is accessible from the USF PERT website. Sponsored Research keeps track of the personnel who have successfully completed the training.

The Associate Deans for Research shall work with department heads to enforce compliance of this CCHIP in conjunction with Departmental administrators who should notify personnel involved in the conduct of sponsored projects of this training requirement.

It is the responsibility of all personnel involved in the conduct of sponsored projects that are federally funded or that provide cost sharing to a sponsored project to complete the mandatory PERT training.


Please address your comments or questions regarding this CCHIP to Sponsored Research Compliance.


PERT Certifier Training
PERT Website


(Federal awards issued prior to 12.26.14)
(2 CFR §200) (Federal awards issued on or after 12.26.14)


This CCHIP is effective as of the date of revision and rescinds all previous versions pertaining to the Mandatory Training for Personnel Effort Reporting Tool.

ISSUED: August 24, 2007
LAST REVISION: August 16, 2018