Employee / Labor Relations

Required Labor Posters & Information

Employees of the university and applicants applying for jobs at USF have a right to be informed about certain federal and state employment-related laws and requirements. Required posters must be displayed so they are easily visible to the intended audience. 



E-Verify Participation (English & Spanish)

Right to Work (English)

Right to Work (Spanish)

Workers' Comp Works for You

Union Bulletin Boards

Where University-controlled bulletin boards are available, USF agrees to provide space on such bulletin boards for Union use. Where bulletin boards are not available, USF agrees to provide wall space for Union-purchased boards. 深夜看片 shall make a reasonable effort to make such space available and accessible to employees. The materials posted on the boards shall be restricted only to office Union matters. No material shall be posted which is derogatory to any person or organization, or faction thereof, except that election material relating to union elections may be posted on such boards. 

Approved Union boards would be regulated by USF's Collective Bargaining Unions

Posting Requirements- FAQs

Must USF departments physically post the posters?
Yes, if departments have any employees that physically come into the workplace. Posters must be displayed or posted in conspicuous places where they are easily visible to all employees.

Where should I post the labor law posters?
According to poster compliance requirements, you must display the posters in an area where your employees can readily see them. These areas can include but are not limited to:

    • A break room
    • A common room people regularly gather
    • Near the time clock
    • The lunchroom or kitchen
    • On rotation on a display screen/monitor, if a department or building has this set up

What if my department has multiple buildings across campus?
If your department has multiple buildings across campus, it is recommended that you post them in a common space within each of those buildings.

If you are not able to do so, then you must make employees aware of the accessible location which they can view the posters.

What if my department shares spaces/buildings with multiple departments?
You may collaborate to post in a common area that is visible by all employees who work in that building.

For example, Central Human Resources is housed in Student Services. Admissions/Financial Aid/Career Center/Student Accessibility/etc do not need to post their own posters since they are posted in a visible, common space for everyone who works in the building to see.

Each department must make employees aware of the accessible location which they can view the posters.

Can I use the 鈥渟ix-in-one鈥 or other large combination poster rather than separate posters? Can I get a 鈥渟ix-in-one鈥 poster from the Department of Labor?
Yes, while it is recommended to use the postings provided and update as necessary, if a unit desires to use a six-in-one poster, they will need to identify and procure the poster(s). Units must also ensure to check for any posters required that may not be included in the six-in-one.

How should we make remote employees aware of these posters?
Departments should send a notice annually and, if practical, when there is an update. Departments must also make employees aware of where your posters are physically posted on campus.

Can I use a binder to display the posters?
No, you cannot put them in a binder. Posters must be displayed or posted in conspicuous places where they are easily visible to all employees.
